Voor de 2024-editie van het ShortsLab zijn uiteindelijk de volgende projecten geselecteerd:
- NORA, Amber Rozema, drama
- Bloat, Lisanne Sweere, tragikomedie
- Hoek, Sem Dingemans, drama
Deze projecten ontvangen een financiële bijdrage in het productiebudget van €10.000 tot €15.000 en doorlopen het gehele coachingstraject bestaande uit meerdere residencies, groepscoaching en één-op-één coaching.

Netflix x writers room
Together with Netflix, Playgrounds developed within the Next Talent Program a new Writers Room for writing in groups for series. A working method that is still in its first stages in the Netherlands.
Lisanne is selected for 2023.

Broer de film (2021) – scenario & regie

* 2022 Winner The Hague Global Cinema, best director
* 2022 Winner Best Director, Charlotte Film Festival USA
* 2022 Winner Best Film (Jury award), Mental Health Rights Film Festival Lisbon
* 2021 Selection UNICEF Innocenti Film Festival, Florence, Italy
* 2021 Award-winner Best young filmmaker, Bright Future Independent Film Festival – Gothenburg

The film addresses in an original and complex sensitive way the impact of mental illness on the life of a family and allows us to reflect and understand how suffering, guilt, and fear, but also love, can mark the day to day of those who live an experience such as this. The mastery of narrative and a well-crafted visual style make this film a work of great interest on the subject of mental health and human rights.